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Considering MS-DOG (inside NTVDM) (Users)

posted by DOS386, 04.08.2011, 11:29

> 64 bit Intel architecture CPUs should still be able to do it). It's
> whether the host OS (Win7 in this case) supports it. The answer is
> "Not unless you use a virtual machine."

> But when 64bit OS turn CPU to long mode it has no such capability as v86
> mode (CPU engineers saved some transistors and didn't implement this legacy

> Afaik it is not just OS. If you switch a x86 CPU to 64-bit mode, then you
> can't run 16-bit code natively. (because then the "alternate" mode is
> already pinned to 32-bit)

Probably true, but you missed the point nevertheless. Read the original post:

> How modern? The first problem you'll encounter is whether a 64 bit system
> will run a 16 bit OS

A 16-bit "host" OS will probably NOT enable the 64-bit long mode, so it will be able to run 16-bit code. :-)

> OS/2 was supposed to be that OS, but IBM and MS couldn't agree on
> direction. MS wanted to skip over the 286 and develop for the 386 instead.
> IBM said "No, we're developing for the 286." In retrospect, this was an error.

Maybe it was an error to make the 80286 (mostly) 8086 compatible ? Or to keep the 64 KiB segment limit ? Or to invent M$-DOG and M$-Windaube (both were already out when OSama/2 started, and influenced it) ? Or to implement support for the old M$-DOG and M$-Windaube legacy crap in the new cool OSama/2 ? It's always easy to criticize historical decisions of other people :-)

> While the 286 offered additional capabilities, it was essentially a
> transitional step, and the 386 was a far better platform.

So why did M$ and Boreland develop for 80286 for that many years (Win16, DPMI16) ?

> While the 286 had features, it had limitations. Like you could only run
> one "real mode" application at a time

You could implement multitasking in RM too (maybe not that reliable) or use the new cool PM :-)

> and while there was an instruction to enter Protected mode, there
> was none to leave it - you had to do a CPU reset.

+ no CPUID, no RDTSC/WRTSC, no CRC32, and the horrible 64 KiB segment limit :clap:

> In your position, I'd look at a VM solution, rather than trying to multi-boot

The HORROR of booting DOS :clap:

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