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BIG "C" compiler cmp | the "scientific" facts ore out DW (Developers)

posted by DOS386, 09.03.2008, 02:49

D based on GCC

> refuse your list because D.... is at the first place which it doesn't deserve

The placing is random ... 1st place is not the best :no:

> It's not "D" but "DJGPP".


++ MPLAYER got ported to DOS with it and works. No space for neglection here :-)

+ GCC core produces less bad code ("optimization") than some other compilers
+ GCC is still under development and actively competes against VCC
+ Supports C++
+ Offers Loonix "emulation at source level", occasionally useful for porting
+ "without D, DOS would be dead" - reportedly, evidence pending :hungry:
+ "D makes life easier" - reportedly, OTOH, at least, it makes video playing in DOS easier, see above, this is a "scientific" fact :clap:

- The excessive dominance / exclusivity of D prevents people from taking notice of other compilers
- Offers Loonix "emulation at source level", rarely useful, ON by default, difficult to get rid of it
- Supports C++
- Bloats executables, especially from C++
- Itself bloated and messy, not easy to download, install and use
- No 16-bit RM support
- Bad design of the "GO32" extender with outsourced CWSDPMI and non-ZERO-based memory model
- Both inline ASM and output ASM are reportedly supported, but GAS/ATT syntax only, "MASM INTEL" supposed to work but doesn't
- Can't compile itself on DOS
- It's OBSOLETE :crying:
- No project goal, 2.04 beta has been pending for 5 years, nobody knows when 2.04 final will get out, if ever, and what it should offer then :-(
-- Startup code and libraries are bloated, messy, and full on XP hacks :-( :-(


++ Used for FreeDOS kennel and utils

+ Both DPMI32 and 16-bit RM
+ Compiler core produces less bad code ("optimization") than some other compilers
+ Since 1.6 DOS is supported again
+ Comes with WASM, a free "unusable toy" clone of MASM
+ Supports DOS/32A and D3X extender
+ HX / LOADPEX also supported (?)
+ Supports C++

- Itself bloated and messy, not easy to download, install and use
- Supports C++, but bad compatibility with GCC and VCC ?
- Has IDE's for all platforms except DOS
- No inline ASM, no ASM output :-(
- WASM is bad and not really progressing

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